Monday, October 4, 2010

I finally finished The Passage by Justin Cronin!

Seven hundred and sixty six pages! Seven hundred and sixty six pages! Months to finish it but I really wanted to finish it! It held my interest the whole time. I had post-it notes stuck all over the inside of the cover to help me keep track of the many different characters and who was a "good guy" and who was a "bad guy". Very Stephen King-ish. Have you ever read The Stand, by Stephen King? Something like that. End of the human population due to human greed, escaped virus that leaves survivors as "virals" or what you would think of as a vampire. Believable but scary!

And then I get to the end...and I hated it. There was no end. It just ended. Are you kidding me?!!! After all that, it just ends?! So upset! I went looking for reviews to see what other people had to say about the end and it turns out, it's supposedly a trilogy! A trilogy?!! Are you kidding me?!! I wished I'd known that because I don't think I'd have been so disappointed! I really thought it was going to all wrap up so neatly! I couldn't wait! But no! Nothing!

I would definitely read the next one. I need to know what has happened to Peter and Amy and their group of survivors. I liked these people and I want them to survive! I guess I'll just have to wait for the next 800 pages!